Thoughts from one of the smallest US citizens on Syrian Immigration.

I was just informed by my 6 yr old, yes my 6 yr old that our government is made up of complete idiots! When I asked her why, she told me in no uncertain terms that, here in the USA, we have people who are hungry and can’t afford food, we have people sleep on the streets outside because they don’t have a house, and people who wear clothes that are falling apart because they can’t get find a job to work and buy stuff and our government won’t help them and they have been here for a long time. But our government is bringing more people here that don’t belong here and giving them places to live and they all look happy. I asked her how she figured this out, she said she was watching the news this morning and it said that the government just said that it was ok for people who are running away to come here and that we would take care of them. She also said she has seen people on our travels locally that are begging for money for food. I told her she was very smart and observant. I asked what she thought the government should do, she was quiet for a few minutes and then said well mommy, they should make those people stay where they are, when people blew up New York we didn’t run to another country we stayed and we fixed things. I nodded ( she was right), then she said and they should make it a priority to give the people who have been here a long time a house to live in, food, some clothes, and a job. Even if the job is sharpening pencils. I believe my daughter might have a bigger brain than the politicians in office right now. And before you make a political comment this is not to stir the pot on any issue, I just thought I would put even our smallest citizen’s thoughts on the issues at hand out there. If a 6 yr old can figure out that we need to fix ourselves before we attempt to fix others well then I think the grown men in the White House should be able to do the same. Do I feel sorry for the Syrians you bet I do, but I also feel sorry for the veterans who are starving because they came back from the war and couldn’t find a job so they could keep a roof over their heads, food on their tables, and clothes on their backs. I also feel sorry for the single parents working 2-3 jobs to keeps their kids fed, barely making bills, and skipping meals just so their kids have. I also feel bad for the people living in the woods in a tent with their kids because they lost their home due to back taxes or mortgage issues. Our nation is missing the big picture we are taking away from our own to help others when we need to focus on what is right in front of us. Charity begins at home. Let’s start to help people in the US first!